
Think you know it, poet?
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Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with sanctify:

3 syllables:
acids by,
acid by,
acid dye,
acted by,
actions by,
action by,
action i,
added by,
alice guy,
allons y,
alpha chi,
alpha phi,
alpha psi,
anna bligh,
annulled by,
antlion fly,
apple fly,
aswan high,
axis i,
baffled by,
balanced by,
balance by,
basil i,
battle by,
blackened by,
blasted by,
cabbage fly,
caddice fly,
canceled by,
cancelled by,
cancel my,
can apply,
can supply,
captained by,
carol i,
carrot fly,
catches eye,
catches my,
chalcid fly,
challenged by,
challenge by,
channels by,
channel by,
classes by,
classes i,
damaged by,
damage by,
dampened by,
damsel fly,
dazzled by,
dragons eye,
dragon eye,
dragon fly,
fashioned by,
fashion by,
fastened by,
fathom why,
francis guy,
francis i,
gas supply,
gladdened by,
granted by,
haben die,
habits die,
hackle fly,
hamstrung by,
handled by,
happened by,
happen by,
kappa phi,
kappa psi,
lancet i,
language by,
language i,
maddened by,
madras high,
maggot pie,
magna fi,
magnum pi,
magnus i,
magnus vi,
magot pie,
mahmut i,
malcolm i,
managed by,
mangled by,
masses by,
passage by,
passes by,
patted my,
planted by,
practiced by,
practiced eye,
practice by,
practice i,
rabbit eye,
rapid eye,
sac fungi,
saddened by,
sampled by,
samples by,
sample by,
sanctioned by,
shackled by,
shall apply,
shall comply,
status by,
strangled by,
tackled by,
tank supply,
taxes by,
thankful i,
that apply,
that supply,
trampled by,
trans alai,
traveled by,
travelled by

4 syllables:
abandoned by,
abandon my,
adapted by,
advances by,
assassin fly,
attracted by,
commanded by,
demanded by,
dismantled by,
distracted by,
enacted by,
examined by,
examples i,
example by,
example i,
expanded by,
expansion by,
harassment by,
imagined by,
imagine i,
imagine my,
imagine why,
italian pie,
joanna i,
phantasm i,
reacted by,
reactions by,
reaction by,
supplanted by,
transactions by,
untrammeled by,
untrammelled by

5 syllables:
counterbalanced by,
edi gathegi,
interaction by,
memorandum by,
satisfaction by

What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?

This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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