Words and phrases that rhyme with role:  (821 results)
2 syllables:
ab-soul, abrol, aihole, airhole, air hole, amcole, anole, arsole, ashmole, ass-hole, atole, atoll, bagnole, bankroll, bargepole, barge pole, bead-roll, beadroll, bean-pole, beanpole, bedroll, bedsole, bemol, black-hole, blackhole, black hole, blockhole, blogroll, blowhole, bluepoll, boerboel, bolt-hole, bolthole, borecole, borehole, braciole, braunkohl, bricole, brown coal, bumhole, bung-hole, bunghole, butthole, cajole, cake-hole, cakehole, cardol, cat-hole, catchpole, cathole, chabrol, charcoal, chuckhole, church roll, citole, claypole, clickhole, clodpole, clodpoll, clotpoll, coal-hole, coalhole, comptrol, condole, console, control, control-x, controle, cornhole, coupole, craphole, creephole, creol, day-coal, dead soul, death-roll, deed poll, devaul, dipol, dipole, doghole, downhole, drill hole, drumroll, drum roll, duck-mole, dustbowl, dust bowl, earhole, ear hole, ecbole, ecole, egg roll, embowl, enroll, enscroll, ensoul, erroll, escroll, extol, extoll, eyehole, fasciole, femke bol, field goal, filgoal, finntroll, finn cole, fishbowl, flagpole, forepole, formol, foxhole, fox hole, fredstole, funk hole, gambol, glycol, gogol, gondole, grathwohl, gray sole, gunkhole, half-sole, half sole, hand-hole, hand-roll, hard coal, hard roll, harpole, hawsehole, heart-whole, heatwole, hellhole, hewhole, hop pole, humbrol, idole, imp-pole, in-goal, indole, inroll, inscroll, isole, j. cole, jackroll, jawohl, jehoel, jehol, kajol, karole, keyhole, kilnhole, kneehole, knothole, lance stroll, lodgepole, logroll, loophole, lughole, ma'amoul, madole, mainbol, man-hole, manhole, maybole, maypole, mccole, mccoll, mcdole, medrol, mendole, metol, midsole, mohole, monggol, mousehole, mouth hole, mudhole, musrole, nail hole, nardole, nick kroll, nicole, nicolle, nitrol, no-goal, north pole, nosehole, obole, obwohl, ongole, opole, osmole, outpoll, outsole, pagnol, pajole, parol, parole, patrol, patrole, payroll, peehole, peephole, pesthole, phenetole, pi-hole, pie-hole, piehole, pimproll, pinhole, pinole, pipe bowl, pistole, pit-hole, pitchpole, plimsole, plughole, poophole, pop-soul, porthole, posole, posthole, post hole, pot-hole, pothole, procoele, punchbowl, punch bowl, punggol, punsch-roll, pyrrole, quintole, range pole, rathole, redpole, redpoll, red cole, red poll, rent-roll, reroll, resole, rickroll, ridgepole, ripoll, rissol, rissole, rock-n-roll, rocknroll, rosebowl, rougeole, sand sole, screech-owl, seacoal, sea coal, sea cole, shot hole, sight-hole, sighthole, sink-hole, sinkhole, sithole, skatole, ski pole, slipsole, slop bowl, smoke hole, snap roll, soft coal, soft roll, sotol, soundhole, sound hole, soup bowl, south pole, sowohl, spongiole, spring roll, spyhole, stackpole, stamboul, steamroll, steam coal, stokehole, subgoal, sweet roll, systole, tadpole, taphole, through-hole, thumbhole, tirol, top-hole, touch-hole, touchhole, toyol, traphole, trapsoul, triole, unroll, unwhole, uproll, uwe boll, vent-hole, venthole, vesoul, viole, vitol, wacoal, walpole, wampole, washbowl, wellhole, woodhole, wood coal, zandmole, zeppole
3 syllables:
1-propanol, abenol, acetol, agricole, airconsole, alepole, amitrole, amphibole, anadrol, anatol, anatole, anethole, anisole, antipole, aperol, arms control, arvicole, asystole, as a whole, azarole, barber's pole, barrel roll, battlebowl, bestiole, birthcontrol, birth control, blastocoele, blue-eyed soul, blumenkohl, bore-hole, borneol, brewer's mole, bullet hole, buttonhole, button hole, calcicole, camisole, campagnol, caprifole, capriole, caracole, carambole, cariole, carmagnole, carriole, casserole, cencoroll, centriole, cineol, cineole, clycerole, coffee roll, coloroll, corey stoll, counter-roll, counterpole, creosol, crescent roll, crokinole, croquignole, crowd control, cruise control, cubby-hole, cubbyhole, danazol, dariole, david soul, decontrol, denehole, diazole, dienestrol, disenroll, doom patrol, dyscontrol, ebersole, english sole, epibole, escarole, espagnol, espagnole, espanol, espanole, europol, eversole, farandole, fiesole, finger-roll, finger bowl, finger hole, fire-control, firepole, fishing pole, flood control, foliole, freeroll, fumarole, fumerole, gary cole, girandole, girasole, gloriole, glory hole, glycerol, glycerole, golden mole, gopher hole, gun control, heart and soul, hetton-le-hole, hexadrol, hidey-hole, hidy-hole, humicole, hydrozoal, hypobole, indazol, innersole, interpol, iprindole, jellyroll, job control, kaiser roll, kasserolle, kilomole, lawrence stroll, lemon sole, lignicole, limicole, lose control, maryknoll, marysole, mesocoele, metazoal, metrazol, metropol, metropole, micromole, miglitol, millimole, mixing bowl, monopol, monopole, moomintroll, multipole, muscimol, muster roll, nanomole, neo-soul, neurocoele, nikopol, nimorazole, nucleol, nucleole, omeprazole, onahole, onion roll, on the whole, optocoele, oriol, oriole, ostiole, otoyol, oversoul, ozone hole, parembole, pass-parole, paw patrol, peristole, petiole, pick-and-roll, picomole, pigeon-hole, pigeonhole, polyol, pratincole, presystole, price control, primerole, prosocoele, pseudocoele, pyrazole, quadripole, quadrupole, quinazol, quinestrol, rabbit hole, ranging pole, rantipole, retro-soul, rhabdocoele, rigmarole, riluzole, rocambole, rock'n'roll, rock-and-roll, rockihnroll, rock and roll, rokambole, rudderhole, salad bowl, santalol, sausage-roll, sausage roll, saxicole, schizocoele, self-control, seminole, septimole, sertindole, shore patrol, simferopol, sozopol, squaterole, stilbestrol, sturmpistole, sugar bowl, superbowl, swallow hole, swimming hole, t.s.o.l., take control, teaze-hole, technitrol, technopole, ternopol, terricole, tetrazole, timo boll, toilet bowl, toilet roll, toluole, totem pole, touch-in-goal, triazole, tubicole, turiole, typhlosole, urceole, vanderpoel, variole, virazole, volkspistole, waterhole, water hole, whac-a-mole, whack-a-mole
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