Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with reliquary:
3 syllables:
arriere pensee,
been any,
been fairly,
been freshly,
been friendly,
been many,
been ready,
been twenty,
been very,
been wary,
beer belly,
big belly,
big empty,
bill kenny,
bill terry,
bliss perry,
briggs henry,
bring any,
chris henry,
chris kelly,
dear mary,
did any,
did many,
did very,
drink penny,
drink plenty,
fish belly,
fish berry,
fit any,
give any,
give many,
give very,
glyn ebwy,
hill benny,
him any,
him gently,
him many,
him squarely,
him very,
his belly,
his empty,
his entry,
his friendly,
his hairy,
his heavy,
his lengthy,
his many,
his steady,
his sweaty,
his twenty,
his very,
im ready,
indem sie,
ink berry,
in berry,
in plenty,
is any,
is barely,
is empty,
is fairly,
is friendly,
is gently,
is healthy,
is heavy,
is many,
is mary,
is plenty,
is rarely,
is ready,
is scarcely,
is steady,
is twenty,
is very,
its belly,
its deadly,
its entry,
its gnp,
its heavy,
its many,
its steady,
its twenty,
its very,
it any,
it fairly,
it gently,
it many,
it rarely,
it ready,
it scarcely,
it very,
jim carey,
jim carrey,
jim hendry,
jim kelly,
killed many,
killed twenty,
kill any,
kings ferry,
king henry,
king kelly,
king larry,
lift heavy,
lil webbie,
lind jenny,
list any,
mere twenty,
mill levy,
mint jelly,
miss any,
miss betty,
miss jenny,
miss mary,
mix gently,
nick berry,
nick perry,
princess di,
princess tree,
prince genji,
prince henry,
queer friendly,
rear entry,
rick perry,
rip entry,
script frenzy,
simnet d,
simnet t,
since any,
since many,
since very,
still fairly,
still many,
still plenty,
still very,
things very,
think any,
think very,
this any,
this entry,
this heavy,
this lengthy,
this many,
this twenty,
this very,
tim berry,
tin penny,
tis very,
which any,
which henry,
which many,
which mary,
which rarely,
which vary,
which very,
wilkes barre,
will any,
will bury,
will marry,
will rarely,
will scarcely,
will vary,
will very,
with any,
with barely,
with deadly,
with empty,
with envy,
with fairly,
with friendly,
with harry,
with healthy,
with heavy,
with henry,
with jerry,
with larry,
with many,
with mary,
with plenty,
with ready,
with scarcely,
with semi,
with steady,
with twenty,
with very,
years many
arriere pensee,
been any,
been fairly,
been freshly,
been friendly,
been many,
been ready,
been twenty,
been very,
been wary,
beer belly,
big belly,
big empty,
bill kenny,
bill terry,
bliss perry,
briggs henry,
bring any,
chris henry,
chris kelly,
dear mary,
did any,
did many,
did very,
drink penny,
drink plenty,
fish belly,
fish berry,
fit any,
give any,
give many,
give very,
glyn ebwy,
hill benny,
him any,
him gently,
him many,
him squarely,
him very,
his belly,
his empty,
his entry,
his friendly,
his hairy,
his heavy,
his lengthy,
his many,
his steady,
his sweaty,
his twenty,
his very,
im ready,
indem sie,
ink berry,
in berry,
in plenty,
is any,
is barely,
is empty,
is fairly,
is friendly,
is gently,
is healthy,
is heavy,
is many,
is mary,
is plenty,
is rarely,
is ready,
is scarcely,
is steady,
is twenty,
is very,
its belly,
its deadly,
its entry,
its gnp,
its heavy,
its many,
its steady,
its twenty,
its very,
it any,
it fairly,
it gently,
it many,
it rarely,
it ready,
it scarcely,
it very,
jim carey,
jim carrey,
jim hendry,
jim kelly,
killed many,
killed twenty,
kill any,
kings ferry,
king henry,
king kelly,
king larry,
lift heavy,
lil webbie,
lind jenny,
list any,
mere twenty,
mill levy,
mint jelly,
miss any,
miss betty,
miss jenny,
miss mary,
mix gently,
nick berry,
nick perry,
princess di,
princess tree,
prince genji,
prince henry,
queer friendly,
rear entry,
rick perry,
rip entry,
script frenzy,
simnet d,
simnet t,
since any,
since many,
since very,
still fairly,
still many,
still plenty,
still very,
things very,
think any,
think very,
this any,
this entry,
this heavy,
this lengthy,
this many,
this twenty,
this very,
tim berry,
tin penny,
tis very,
which any,
which henry,
which many,
which mary,
which rarely,
which vary,
which very,
wilkes barre,
will any,
will bury,
will marry,
will rarely,
will scarcely,
will vary,
will very,
with any,
with barely,
with deadly,
with empty,
with envy,
with fairly,
with friendly,
with harry,
with healthy,
with heavy,
with henry,
with jerry,
with larry,
with many,
with mary,
with plenty,
with ready,
with scarcely,
with semi,
with steady,
with twenty,
with very,
years many
4 syllables:
admit any,
appeared ready,
appeared very,
appears very,
appear very,
commits any,
commit any,
convinced many,
dismiss any,
elbridge gerry,
exist any,
forbids any,
forbid any,
omits any,
omit any,
permit any,
resists any,
resist any,
until fairly,
until many,
until ready,
until very,
until wednesday,
within any,
within many,
within twenty
admit any,
appeared ready,
appeared very,
appears very,
appear very,
commits any,
commit any,
convinced many,
dismiss any,
elbridge gerry,
exist any,
forbids any,
forbid any,
omits any,
omit any,
permit any,
resists any,
resist any,
until fairly,
until many,
until ready,
until very,
until wednesday,
within any,
within many,
within twenty
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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