Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with playday:
2 syllables:
ace k,
age may,
age play,
age they,
baked clay,
base pay,
base spray,
brain may,
came they,
came way,
cape may,
cape ray,
case may,
case they,
chain stay,
change may,
che che,
claimed they,
claims may,
claim may,
claim they,
cray cray,
date may,
days may,
days they,
day may,
day they,
drakes bay,
eighth day,
eight day,
faith may,
fate day,
fay wray,
gained day,
gale day,
game day,
game play,
game they,
gave way,
gay day,
glace bay,
great day,
great grey,
great way,
grey clay,
grey jay,
hey day,
hey hey,
h day,
james bay,
james frey,
james gray,
james kay,
jane gray,
jane grey,
jay jay,
jay kay,
kay kay,
k day,
k way,
late may,
lay day,
lay lay,
made day,
made hay,
made play,
made way,
makes day,
makes hay,
makes way,
make day,
make hay,
make play,
males may,
may gray,
may lay,
may may,
may pay,
may play,
may say,
may stay,
may they,
may weigh,
names day,
names may,
names they,
name may,
name they,
nay nay,
nay say,
paint spray,
pain may,
pale gray,
pale grey,
paynes gray,
paynes grey,
pays way,
pay pay,
pay way,
pei pei,
pei wei,
phase may,
place may,
place they,
play day,
play may,
play play,
race way,
rae rae,
rail way,
range may,
rates may,
rate may,
rate they,
ray j,
ray ray,
re lay,
safe way,
saints day,
sais aae,
same day,
same may,
same way,
say they,
scale may,
slate clay,
slate gray,
slate grey,
space may,
space they,
ssds aa,
stage may,
stage play,
stage they,
states may,
states they,
state may,
state they,
straight gay,
straight play,
straight way,
strange way,
tail bay,
they lay,
they may,
they pay,
they play,
they pray,
they say,
they stay,
they weigh,
trade may,
trey day,
tw aa,
vague way,
vay k,
wake play,
waves may,
ways they,
way lay,
way may,
way they,
weight may,
whales bay,
whale bay,
ww aa,
yay yay,
zane grey
ace k,
age may,
age play,
age they,
baked clay,
base pay,
base spray,
brain may,
came they,
came way,
cape may,
cape ray,
case may,
case they,
chain stay,
change may,
che che,
claimed they,
claims may,
claim may,
claim they,
cray cray,
date may,
days may,
days they,
day may,
day they,
drakes bay,
eighth day,
eight day,
faith may,
fate day,
fay wray,
gained day,
gale day,
game day,
game play,
game they,
gave way,
gay day,
glace bay,
great day,
great grey,
great way,
grey clay,
grey jay,
hey day,
hey hey,
h day,
james bay,
james frey,
james gray,
james kay,
jane gray,
jane grey,
jay jay,
jay kay,
kay kay,
k day,
k way,
late may,
lay day,
lay lay,
made day,
made hay,
made play,
made way,
makes day,
makes hay,
makes way,
make day,
make hay,
make play,
males may,
may gray,
may lay,
may may,
may pay,
may play,
may say,
may stay,
may they,
may weigh,
names day,
names may,
names they,
name may,
name they,
nay nay,
nay say,
paint spray,
pain may,
pale gray,
pale grey,
paynes gray,
paynes grey,
pays way,
pay pay,
pay way,
pei pei,
pei wei,
phase may,
place may,
place they,
play day,
play may,
play play,
race way,
rae rae,
rail way,
range may,
rates may,
rate may,
rate they,
ray j,
ray ray,
re lay,
safe way,
saints day,
sais aae,
same day,
same may,
same way,
say they,
scale may,
slate clay,
slate gray,
slate grey,
space may,
space they,
ssds aa,
stage may,
stage play,
stage they,
states may,
states they,
state may,
state they,
straight gay,
straight play,
straight way,
strange way,
tail bay,
they lay,
they may,
they pay,
they play,
they pray,
they say,
they stay,
they weigh,
trade may,
trey day,
tw aa,
vague way,
vay k,
wake play,
waves may,
ways they,
way lay,
way may,
way they,
weight may,
whales bay,
whale bay,
ww aa,
yay yay,
zane grey
3 syllables:
afraid they,
away they,
constraints may,
details may,
est vrai,
exchange may,
hervey bay,
humane way,
today may,
today they
afraid they,
away they,
constraints may,
details may,
est vrai,
exchange may,
hervey bay,
humane way,
today may,
today they
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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