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Things mesangial often describes (“mesangial ________”)
cells, matrix, proliferation, deposits, expansion, glomerulonephritis, hypercellularity, deposition, cell, interposition, sclerosis, regions, contraction, areas, thickening, nephritis, material, nephropathy, cellularity, changes, increase, hyperplasia, function, region, cytoplasm, pattern, widening, lesions, area, volume, injury, proliferative, growth, disease, staining, hypertrophy, production, prominence, uptake, iga, enlargement, accumulation, nodules, origin, cultures, processes, synthesis, localization, nuclei, distribution, contractility, receptors, involvement, rings, activation, membrane, mitogenesis, substance, stalk, migration, damage, apoptosis, glomerulopathy, dysfunction, lupus, alterations, fibrils, antibodies, degradation, antigens, fraction, morphology, deposit, metabolism
How mesangial often is described (“________ mesangial”)
glomerular, diffuse, cultured, human, granular, renal, severe, rat, subendothelial
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