Words and phrases that rhyme with furuncle: (28 results)
2 syllables:
buncle, crunkle, dunckel, dunkel, dunkle, gunkel, hunkele, kunkel, kunkle, nuncle, runckel, runkel, runkle, truncal, uncle, unkle
buncle, crunkle, dunckel, dunkel, dunkle, gunkel, hunkele, kunkel, kunkle, nuncle, runckel, runkel, runkle, truncal, uncle, unkle
3 syllables:
carbuncle, caruncle, dutch uncle, grand-uncle, granduncle, great-uncle, peduncle, sermuncle, siphuncle
carbuncle, caruncle, dutch uncle, grand-uncle, granduncle, great-uncle, peduncle, sermuncle, siphuncle
5 syllables:
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (78 results)
2 syllables:
bumble, bundle, bungle, buntal, crumble, crumple, frontal, fumble, fungal, grumble, gruntle, humble, jumbal, jumble, jungle, mumble, rumble, rumple, rundle, scumble, stumble, trundle, tumble, umbel
bumble, bundle, bungle, buntal, crumble, crumple, frontal, fumble, fungal, grumble, gruntle, humble, jumbal, jumble, jungle, mumble, rumble, rumple, rundle, scumble, stumble, trundle, tumble, umbel
3 syllables:
coracle, barrelful, caracul, durable, caracal, parable, urinal, uranyl, veronal, cerebral, thurible, horrible, wearable, marital, terrible, miracle, bearable, curable, arable, caramel, oracle, auricle, spiracle, uracil, clerical
coracle, barrelful, caracul, durable, caracal, parable, urinal, uranyl, veronal, cerebral, thurible, horrible, wearable, marital, terrible, miracle, bearable, curable, arable, caramel, oracle, auricle, spiracle, uracil, clerical
4 syllables:
incurable, comparable, inerrable, adorable, satirical, premarital, transferable, arborical, unbearable, numerical, endurable, deplorable, repairable, reparable, chimerical, desirable, antifungal, contrapuntal, fiber bundle, fibre bundle, rough-and-tumble
incurable, comparable, inerrable, adorable, satirical, premarital, transferable, arborical, unbearable, numerical, endurable, deplorable, repairable, reparable, chimerical, desirable, antifungal, contrapuntal, fiber bundle, fibre bundle, rough-and-tumble
5 syllables:
allegorical, extramarital, undesirable, delphic oracle, unfavourable, nontransferable, enfant terrible, vascular bundle
allegorical, extramarital, undesirable, delphic oracle, unfavourable, nontransferable, enfant terrible, vascular bundle
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