Words and phrases that almost rhyme with exotic:† (40 results)
(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)
4 syllables:
philanthropic, hydrophobic, periodic, allotropic, isotropic, microscopic, spectroscopic, hyperopic, ametropic, psychotropic, episodic, misanthropic, lipotropic, macroscopic, megascopic, protanopic, semitropic, tritanopic, unmelodic
philanthropic, hydrophobic, periodic, allotropic, isotropic, microscopic, spectroscopic, hyperopic, ametropic, psychotropic, episodic, misanthropic, lipotropic, macroscopic, megascopic, protanopic, semitropic, tritanopic, unmelodic
5 syllables:
kaleidoscopic, aeolotropic, antispasmodic, anisotropic, aperiodic, eolotropic, hypermetropic, nonperiodic
kaleidoscopic, aeolotropic, antispasmodic, anisotropic, aperiodic, eolotropic, hypermetropic, nonperiodic
8 syllables:
Table of complete results:
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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