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Things dolomitic often describes (“dolomitic ________”)
limestone, limestones, lime, rocks, marble, sandstone, shale, beds, rock, siltstone, marbles, conglomerate, shales, sandstones, limes, matrix, facies, mudstone, layers, quicklime, sand, sediments, marl, marls, mudstones, cement, character, formations, siltstones, stone, material, zone, strata, deposits, bedrock, carbonates, bands, formation, unit, breccia, hydrate, peaks, sands, bed, carbonatite, mottling, carbonate, pebbles, concretions, sequence, quicklimes, composition, zones, anhydrite, aglime, quartzite, layer, varieties, stones, aggregates, horizons, oxide, partings, breccias, series, lenses, sediment, buff, hydrates, intercalations, conglomerates, samples, clay, aggregate, blocks, masses, mud, slate, stylolaminite, brown, soils, crusts, schists, interbeds, gravel, schist, caves

How dolomitic often is described (“________ dolomitic”)
more, coarse, fine, gray, mottled, light, medium, high, hydrate

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