Near rhymes
[Phrase rhymes]
Similar sound
Same consonants
2 syllables :
aes ebu ,
air crew ,
air grew ,
air screw ,
air through ,
air to ,
bears to ,
bear to ,
beds to ,
bed screw ,
bed to ,
begged to ,
beg to ,
beg you ,
belle vue ,
bell screw ,
bell to ,
belt to ,
bench screw ,
bench to ,
bend to ,
bent to ,
best to ,
best view ,
best you ,
bet you ,
bled to ,
blessed to ,
bless you ,
bread to ,
breasts to ,
breast to ,
breath to ,
bred to ,
bresse bleu ,
cared to ,
cares to ,
care through ,
care to ,
care who ,
care you ,
cells through ,
cells to ,
cell to ,
cents to ,
cent to ,
chairs to ,
chair to ,
checked through ,
checked to ,
checks through ,
checks to ,
check through ,
check to ,
chef who ,
cheng chou ,
cheng du ,
cheng pu ,
cheng tsu ,
cheng tu ,
cheng zu ,
chen zhu ,
chest to ,
crept through ,
dared to ,
dares to ,
dare to ,
dare you ,
dead to ,
dead who ,
deaths due ,
death due ,
death through ,
death to ,
debts due ,
debts to ,
debt due ,
debt to ,
deck shoe ,
deck to ,
delft blue ,
depths to ,
depth to ,
desk to ,
des deux ,
des yeux ,
dressed to ,
dress to ,
dwell too ,
ebw fu ,
ec ew ,
edge to ,
edh u ,
ed cew ,
eggs to ,
egg to ,
else knew ,
else to ,
else who ,
else you ,
el que ,
em mu ,
ends to ,
end to ,
end you ,
ere you ,
ev do ,
ex new ,
fair to ,
fare to ,
fed through ,
fed to ,
fell through ,
fell to ,
felt to ,
felt too ,
felt you ,
fence to ,
feng shue ,
fetch you ,
fled to ,
flesh to ,
french to ,
fresh new ,
fresh to ,
friends to ,
friends who ,
friend to ,
friend who ,
gdp grew ,
gem bu ,
gets through ,
gets to ,
gets too ,
gets you ,
get new ,
get too ,
get two ,
get you ,
guess who ,
guess you ,
guests to ,
guests who ,
guest to ,
guest who ,
hair do ,
hair grew ,
hair to ,
heads to ,
head through ,
head to ,
health through ,
health to ,
heirs to ,
heir to ,
held to ,
held true ,
held two ,
held view ,
hell to ,
hell you ,
helped to ,
helped you ,
helps to ,
helps you ,
help to ,
help you ,
hence to ,
heres to ,
hsün tzu ,
jet blue ,
kept to ,
kept you ,
knelt to ,
lead screw ,
lead to ,
lead you ,
leaped to ,
leapt to ,
led through ,
led to ,
led you ,
left new ,
left shoe ,
left to ,
left two ,
left who ,
left you ,
legs to ,
leg to ,
lend to ,
lend you ,
lengths to ,
length to ,
lens through ,
lens to ,
lent to ,
less to ,
less true ,
less you ,
lest you ,
les deux ,
les yeux ,
lets you ,
let do ,
let through ,
let to ,
let you ,
meant to ,
meng tzu ,
men knew ,
men threw ,
men through ,
men to ,
men too ,
men who ,
men you ,
met through ,
met to ,
met two ,
met you ,
m pdu ,
neck to ,
net to ,
next few ,
next to ,
next two ,
next you ,
pairs to ,
pair to ,
pegged to ,
pen to ,
pledged to ,
pledge to ,
prayers to ,
prayer to ,
presque vu ,
pressed to ,
pressed too ,
press new ,
press to ,
quest to ,
rare to ,
read through ,
read to ,
read too ,
read two ,
read you ,
realm to ,
red jew ,
red shoe ,
red to ,
rents to ,
rent due ,
rent to ,
rest to ,
said hugh ,
said through ,
said to ,
said too ,
said two ,
said you ,
says to ,
says who ,
says you ,
scared to ,
scare you ,
sec to ,
self coup ,
self through ,
self to ,
self view ,
sells through ,
sells to ,
sell through ,
sell to ,
sell you ,
sends to ,
sends you ,
send to ,
send two ,
send you ,
sense to ,
sent through ,
sent to ,
sent two ,
sent you ,
sets to ,
set new ,
set screw ,
set to ,
set too ,
set you ,
sex to ,
sez who ,
shares to ,
share to ,
sheds new ,
shed new ,
shell to ,
shen chou ,
shen zhou ,
slept through ,
spared to ,
spare you ,
sped through ,
spends too ,
spend too ,
spend two ,
spent to ,
spent too ,
spent two ,
spreads through ,
spreads to ,
spread through ,
spread to ,
squares to ,
square to ,
stairs to ,
stared through ,
stem to ,
stepped through ,
stepped to ,
steps to ,
steps you ,
step through ,
step to ,
step two ,
step you ,
strength through ,
strength to ,
stressed to ,
stressed too ,
stress due ,
stress to ,
stretched to ,
stretched too ,
stretch to ,
swear to ,
swelled to ,
swept through ,
tears to ,
telles que ,
telle que ,
tells you ,
tell to ,
tell who ,
tels que ,
tel que ,
temps que ,
tempt you ,
tends to ,
tend to ,
tenth to ,
tent to ,
ten new ,
ten to ,
tests to ,
test flew ,
test to ,
test you ,
texts to ,
text to ,
text you ,
theirs to ,
their blue ,
their cue ,
their due ,
their few ,
their new ,
their true ,
their two ,
their view ,
them knew ,
them new ,
them through ,
them to ,
them too ,
them two ,
them who ,
them you ,
thence through ,
thence to ,
then blew ,
then drew ,
then flew ,
then glue ,
then new ,
then threw ,
then through ,
then to ,
then too ,
then two ,
then who ,
then you ,
there grew ,
there through ,
there to ,
there too ,
there two ,
there who ,
there you ,
threads to ,
thread through ,
thread to ,
threats to ,
threat to ,
trek through ,
trek to ,
trends to ,
trend to ,
twelve to ,
vent to ,
vez que ,
wealth through ,
wealth to ,
wear blue ,
wear through ,
wear to ,
web to ,
weld screw ,
wells to ,
well knew ,
well through ,
well to ,
well you ,
went through ,
went to ,
went too ,
wen chou ,
wen shu ,
west new ,
west through ,
west to ,
west view ,
wet through ,
wet to ,
when due ,
when few ,
when new ,
when to ,
when too ,
when two ,
when you ,
where few ,
where new ,
where to ,
where two ,
where you ,
wretch who ,
yelled to ,
yes to ,
yes you ,
yet few ,
yet to ,
yet too ,
yet who ,
yet you ,
zheng wu
3 syllables :
accept new ,
accept you ,
addressed through ,
addressed to ,
affairs to ,
affair to ,
affect to ,
affect you ,
against new ,
against two ,
against you ,
again through ,
again to ,
again you ,
ahead to ,
alleged to ,
arrest you ,
ascends to ,
ascend to ,
ascent to ,
assent to ,
assessed through ,
assessed to ,
attempts to ,
attempt to ,
attends to ,
attests to ,
attest to ,
backend to ,
bequest to ,
cadets who ,
cadet blue ,
cement to ,
commenced to ,
commence to ,
commend you ,
compared to ,
compares to ,
compares two ,
compare to ,
compare two ,
compelled to ,
compressed to ,
condemned to ,
confessed to ,
confess to ,
connects to ,
connects two ,
connect to ,
connect two ,
consents to ,
consent to ,
correct to ,
declared to ,
declare to ,
defence to ,
defense to ,
depends to ,
depend to ,
descends through ,
descends to ,
descend through ,
descend to ,
descent through ,
descent to ,
despair to ,
direct to ,
direct you ,
distress to ,
effects due ,
effects through ,
effects to ,
effect due ,
effect through ,
effect to ,
elects to ,
elect to ,
events through ,
events to ,
event queue ,
event to ,
except through ,
except to ,
except two ,
except you ,
expects to ,
expects you ,
expect to ,
expect too ,
expect you ,
expense to ,
expressed through ,
expressed to ,
express to ,
extends through ,
extends to ,
extend through ,
extent to ,
farewell to ,
forgets to ,
forget to ,
forget you ,
herself through ,
herself to ,
himself through ,
himself to ,
himself too ,
himself who ,
hotel to ,
impelled to ,
impress you ,
instead to ,
instead you ,
intends to ,
intend to ,
intense blue ,
intent to ,
invent new ,
itself through ,
itself to ,
miguel pou ,
myself to ,
neglects to ,
neglect to ,
northwest to ,
offend you ,
offense to ,
offset to ,
oneself to ,
percent to ,
percent who ,
perfect blue ,
perfect to ,
pierre bourdieu ,
pierre roux ,
prepared to ,
prepares to ,
prepare to ,
prepare you ,
pretends to ,
pretend to ,
pretend you ,
prevent you ,
professed to ,
profess to ,
progressed through ,
progressed to ,
protects you ,
protect you ,
quebec to ,
regret to ,
repaired to ,
repairs to ,
requests to ,
request to ,
request you ,
reset to ,
respects to ,
respect due ,
respect you ,
select few ,
select new ,
select to ,
select two ,
southwest to ,
subject who ,
subject you ,
success through ,
success to ,
suggests to ,
suggests two ,
suggest to ,
suggest two ,
suggest you ,
suspects who ,
suspect to ,
suspect you ,
themselves through ,
themselves to ,
themselves too ,
themselves who ,
unfair to ,
unless you ,
upset to ,
upset you ,
upstairs to ,
yourself to ,
yourself you ,
yourselves to
4 syllables :
acquiesce to ,
commonsense view ,
condescend to ,
disrespect to ,
incorrect to ,
millionaire who ,
nonetheless true ,
ourselves to ,
overwhelm you ,
personnel to ,
personnel who ,
questionnaires to ,
questionnaire to ,
recommend to ,
recommend you ,
represents to ,
represent to ,
represent two ,
simu liu ,
unprepared to
5 syllables :
nevertheless to ,
nevertheless true
6 syllables :
lady dimitrescu
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you
phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word
poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and
hopeful he and moments we . Some of these (like "boba tea") are
single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence
fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant
rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and
musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share
vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.
You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones
that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
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