

Think you know it, poet?
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Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with crazes:

2 syllables:
age is,
aids is,
aid is,
aim is,
ate his,
bade his,
based his,
based is,
base his,
base is,
bay is,
blade is,
blames his,
blame is,
braced his,
brain is,
breaks his,
break his,
break is,
cage is,
cake is,
came his,
cane is,
case his,
case is,
cave is,
chains is,
chain is,
changed his,
changed is,
change his,
change is,
claimed his,
claims is,
claim his,
claim is,
clay is,
craned his,
date is,
days is,
day his,
day is,
drained his,
drain is,
faced his,
face his,
face is,
faith is,
fame is,
fate is,
flame is,
frame is,
gained his,
gain his,
gain is,
games is,
game is,
gate is,
gauge is,
gave his,
gaze is,
grace is,
grade is,
grains is,
grain is,
grave is,
grazed his,
great is,
hates his,
hate is,
james is,
jane is,
laced his,
laid his,
lake is,
lay his,
made his,
made is,
mail is,
maize is,
makes his,
makes is,
make his,
make is,
males is,
male is,
mate is,
may his,
may is,
named his,
names is,
name his,
name is,
pace is,
page is,
paid his,
paid is,
paint is,
pain is,
paste is,
pays his,
pay his,
pay is,
phase is,
phrase is,
placed his,
place his,
place is,
plain is,
planes is,
plane is,
plates is,
plate is,
played his,
plays his,
plays is,
play his,
play is,
praised his,
praise is,
prey is,
race is,
rain is,
raised his,
raised is,
raise his,
raked his,
range is,
rape is,
rates is,
rate is,
rays is,
ray is,
reign is,
reined his,
res phys,
saint is,
sales is,
sale is,
same is,
saved his,
save his,
say his,
say is,
scales is,
scale is,
shade is,
shakes his,
shake his,
shame is,
shaped his,
shape his,
shape is,
shaved his,
slave is,
slay his,
snake is,
space is,
spain is,
sprained his,
stage is,
stain is,
staked his,
stake is,
states his,
states is,
state his,
state is,
stay is,
strain is,
tail is,
takes his,
takes is,
take his,
take is,
tale is,
tape is,
taste is,
they is,
trace his,
trace is,
trade is,
trail is,
train is,
traits is,
trait is,
vein is,
wage is,
waived his,
waive his,
wales is,
waste his,
waste is,
waved his,
waves is,
wave is,
ways is,
way his,
way is,
weight is,
whale is

3 syllables:
allay his,
arranged his,
arrange his,
array is,
assuage his,
attain his,
await his,
away his,
away is,
ba is,
became his,
betrayed his,
betrays his,
betray his,
campaign is,
cocaine is,
complaint is,
constraints is,
constraint is,
contain his,
convey his,
create his,
curtail his,
debate is,
decades is,
decade is,
decay is,
delay is,
details is,
detail is,
displayed his,
display his,
display is,
domain is,
escaped his,
escape his,
escape is,
essay is,
estate is,
exchange is,
explained his,
explains his,
explain his,
forbade his,
forgave his,
forsake his,
maintained his,
maintains his,
maintain his,
mistake is,
obeyed his,
obey his,
obtained his,
obtained is,
obtain his,
persuade his,
pervades his,
proclaimed his,
proclaims his,
proclaim his,
reclaim his,
regained his,
regains his,
regain his,
remained his,
remains is,
replaced his,
restraint is,
restrain his,
retained his,
retains his,
retain his,
retraced his,
retrace his,
survey is,
sustain his,
terrain is,
today is

4 syllables:
disobeyed his

What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?

This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
Click on a word above to view its definition.

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