Words and phrases that rhyme with boride: (39 results)
4 syllables:
amiloride, aurochloride, ethyl chloride, fluoroboride, hydrochloride, monochloride, oxychloride, pentachloride, platinochloride, polychloride, silver chloride, tetrachloride
amiloride, aurochloride, ethyl chloride, fluoroboride, hydrochloride, monochloride, oxychloride, pentachloride, platinochloride, polychloride, silver chloride, tetrachloride
5 syllables:
benzotrichloride, calcium chloride, dihydrochloride, hydrargochloride, hydrogen chloride, mercuric chloride, mercury chloride, organochloride, sodium chloride
benzotrichloride, calcium chloride, dihydrochloride, hydrargochloride, hydrogen chloride, mercuric chloride, mercury chloride, organochloride, sodium chloride
6 syllables:
aluminium chloride, aluminum chloride, ammonium chloride, polyvinylchloride, polyvinyl chloride
aluminium chloride, aluminum chloride, ammonium chloride, polyvinylchloride, polyvinyl chloride
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (21 results)
2 syllables:
varied, worried, berried, buried, wearied, married, hurried, carried, harried, blear-eyed, clear-eyed, fluoride, joyride, nereid
varied, worried, berried, buried, wearied, married, hurried, carried, harried, blear-eyed, clear-eyed, fluoride, joyride, nereid
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