Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with baseplate:
2 syllables:
aged eight,
age eight,
age mate,
base eight,
base plate,
base rate,
brain weight,
came late,
came straight,
case mate,
case rate,
chain grate,
chain plate,
clay slate,
date date,
days date,
day rate,
drake strait,
eight straight,
face plate,
failed state,
flame bait,
flame plate,
frame rate,
gage plate,
gained weight,
gain weight,
gave great,
gay straight,
grade eight,
grain weight,
great great,
great state,
great weight,
grey skate,
grey state,
jail bait,
james tate,
j date,
k state,
late date,
late plate,
lays great,
made great,
made straight,
maine state,
main gate,
make great,
make weight,
may date,
may state,
nail plate,
name date,
name plate,
nave plate,
phase plate,
placed great,
place great,
plague great,
play date,
race hate,
race plate,
rail freight,
range gate,
rape date,
same date,
same fate,
same rate,
same state,
same trait,
same weight,
shake weight,
snail bait,
spray date,
stage gate,
stage wait,
stage weight,
stale mate,
stayed late,
straight eight,
strain rate,
takes great,
take great,
they ate,
they hate,
they state,
they wait,
trade bait,
trade date,
trade plate,
tray eight,
vails gate,
veiled plate,
wage rate,
wait state,
waste gate,
wave plate,
wayne state
aged eight,
age eight,
age mate,
base eight,
base plate,
base rate,
brain weight,
came late,
came straight,
case mate,
case rate,
chain grate,
chain plate,
clay slate,
date date,
days date,
day rate,
drake strait,
eight straight,
face plate,
failed state,
flame bait,
flame plate,
frame rate,
gage plate,
gained weight,
gain weight,
gave great,
gay straight,
grade eight,
grain weight,
great great,
great state,
great weight,
grey skate,
grey state,
jail bait,
james tate,
j date,
k state,
late date,
late plate,
lays great,
made great,
made straight,
maine state,
main gate,
make great,
make weight,
may date,
may state,
nail plate,
name date,
name plate,
nave plate,
phase plate,
placed great,
place great,
plague great,
play date,
race hate,
race plate,
rail freight,
range gate,
rape date,
same date,
same fate,
same rate,
same state,
same trait,
same weight,
shake weight,
snail bait,
spray date,
stage gate,
stage wait,
stage weight,
stale mate,
stayed late,
straight eight,
strain rate,
takes great,
take great,
they ate,
they hate,
they state,
they wait,
trade bait,
trade date,
trade plate,
tray eight,
vails gate,
veiled plate,
wage rate,
wait state,
waste gate,
wave plate,
wayne state
3 syllables:
attained great,
bombay state,
bombay trait,
cocaine kate,
contains eight,
decay rate,
displayed great,
hecate strait,
jose state
attained great,
bombay state,
bombay trait,
cocaine kate,
contains eight,
decay rate,
displayed great,
hecate strait,
jose state
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
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