Words and phrases that rhyme with breathing: (14 results)
3 syllables:
air-breathing, enwreathing, fire-breathing, inbreathing, mouthbreathing, rebreathing, unbreathing, unsheathing
air-breathing, enwreathing, fire-breathing, inbreathing, mouthbreathing, rebreathing, unbreathing, unsheathing
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (39 results)
2 syllables:
heaving, briefing, freezing, seizing, weaving, leafing, sneezing, wheezing, easing, pleasing, thieving, grieving, squeezing, leasing, leaving, teasing
heaving, briefing, freezing, seizing, weaving, leafing, sneezing, wheezing, easing, pleasing, thieving, grieving, squeezing, leasing, leaving, teasing
3 syllables:
decreasing, policing, appeasing, deceiving, debriefing, increasing, receiving, displeasing, perceiving, releasing, believing, unceasing, achieving, frost heaving, get weaving, sky-diving
decreasing, policing, appeasing, deceiving, debriefing, increasing, receiving, displeasing, perceiving, releasing, believing, unceasing, achieving, frost heaving, get weaving, sky-diving
5 syllables:
6 syllables:
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— Adjectives for breathing: deep, heavy, rapid, shallow, normal, own, difficult, quiet, diaphragmatic, spontaneous, fire, more...
— People also search for: respirations, oxygen, exhaling, bleeding, lungs, artificial respiration, cyanotic, choking, agonal, pulseless, airway, more...
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