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Words and phrases that rhyme with whigs:   (54 results)

1 syllable:
biggs, bigs, briggs, brigs, digges, diggs, digs, driggs, figgs, figs, frigs, gigs, griggs, grigs, higgs, jiggs, jigs, miggs, migs, phigs, pig's, pigs, prigs, riggs, rigs, snigs, spriggs, sprigs, swigs, tigges, tiggs, triggs, trigs, twiggs, twigs, wiggs, wigs

2 syllables:
bigwigs, contigs, earwigs, fka twigs, longpigs, piigs, rejigs, reneges, unrigs

3 syllables:
bishopbriggs, daveed diggs, periwigs, ryan giggs, shannon briggs, whirligigs

4 syllables:
johanna griggs, thingamajigs

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (11 results)

1 syllable:
ribs, kids, bids, sids, kid's, kids'

2 syllables:
short ribs, forbids, spareribs

3 syllables:
chuck short ribs, landing skids

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Adjectives for whigs: southern, many, old, northern, former, conservative, moderate, american, radical, most, few, more...

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