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Words and phrases that rhyme with defensively:   (16 results)

3 syllables:

4 syllables:
expensively, extensively, intensively, offensively, ostensively, suspensively

5 syllables:
apprehensively, coextensively, comprehensively, inexpensively, inoffensively, reprehensively

6 syllables:
incomprehensively, misapprehensively, noncomprehensively

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (109 results)

3 syllables:
devisee, registry, entity, jestingly, levity, ethnically, dentistry, density, emily, lenity, effigy, helsinki, pleadingly, negligee, deviltry, legibly, self-pity, chemistry, selfishly, enmity, astheny, el misti, evenki, hellishly, pettishly, prelacy, sceptically, skeptically, temptingly, threateningly, yenisey

4 syllables:
integrity, aesthetically, technically, domestically, successively, ethically, coquettishly, yosemite, devilishly, selectively, aggressively, affectingly, refreshingly, indemnity, hygienically, objectively, professedly, identity, effectively, expressively, necessity, attentively, celebrity, complexity, collectedly, respectively, genetically, dementedly, distressingly, immensity, protectively, authentically, impressively, dejectedly, obscenity, subjectively, esthetically, intensity, propensity, excessively, progressively, collectively, deceptively, symmetrically, frenetically, obsessively, suggestively, unendingly, unethically, unselfishly

5 syllables:
infidelity, overwhelmingly, pathetically, unexpectedly, hypothetically, imperceptibly, academically, geometrically, condescendingly, ineffectively, act reflexively, anti-semite, asymmetrically, empathetically, inattentively, inexpressively, kinaesthetically, kinesthetically, move reflexively, unimpressively, unrelentingly, unsymmetrically

6 syllables:
theoretically, sympathetically, argumentatively, die unexpectedly, unenergetically, unsympathetically

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