Definitions of ill:
- noun: an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining
- adjective: indicating hostility or enmity
Example: "You certainly did me an ill turn"
- adjective: not in good physical or mental health
Example: "Ill from the monotony of his suffering"
- adjective: presaging ill-fortune
Example: "Ill omens"
- adjective: distressing
Example: "Ill manners"
- adjective: resulting in suffering or adversity
Example: "Ill effects"
- adverb: (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well
Example: "He was ill prepared"
- adverb: with difficulty or inconvenience; scarcely or hardly
Example: "We can ill afford to buy a new car just now"
- adverb: unfavorably or with disapproval
Example: "Tried not to speak ill of the dead"
- name: A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #56571)