Definitions of dust:

  • noun:   fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air
    Example: "The furniture was covered with dust"
  • noun:   free microscopic particles of solid material
    Example: "Astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust"
  • noun:   the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
  • verb:   remove the dust from
    Example: "Dust the cabinets"
  • verb:   rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape
    Example: "The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image"
  • verb:   cover with a light dusting of a substance
    Example: "Dust the bread with flour"
  • verb:   distribute loosely
  • name:  A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #40863)