Definitions of bright:
- adjective: characterized by quickness and ease in learning
Example: "Some children are brighter in one subject than another"
- adjective: made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow
Example: "Bright silver candlesticks"
- adjective: clear and sharp and ringing
Example: "The bright sound of the trumpet section"
- adjective: full or promise
Example: "Had a bright future in publishing"
- adjective: having lots of light either natural or artificial
Example: "The room was bright and airy"
- adjective: emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts
Example: "The sun was bright and hot"
- adjective: having striking color
Example: "Bright greens"
- adjective: abounding with sunlight
Example: "A bright sunny day"
- adjective: splendid
Example: "The bright stars of stage and screen"
- adjective: characterized by happiness or gladness
Example: "Bright faces"
- adjective: not made dim or less bright
- adverb: with brightness
Example: "The windows glowed jewel bright"
- name: A surname (common: 1 in 7692 families; popularity rank in the U.S.: #915)