Definitions of blaze:

  • noun:   a light-colored marking
    Example: "They chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes"
  • noun:   a strong flame that burns brightly
    Example: "The blaze spread rapidly"
  • noun:   noisy and unrestrained mischief
    Example: "Raising blazes"
  • noun:   great brightness
    Example: "The flowers were a blaze of color"
  • noun:   a cause of difficulty and suffering
    Example: "Go to blazes"
  • verb:   burn brightly and intensely
    Example: "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze"
  • verb:   shine brightly and intensively
    Example: "Meteors blazed across the atmosphere"
  • verb:   indicate by marking trees with blazes
    Example: "Blaze a trail"
  • verb:   move rapidly and as if blazing
    Example: "The spaceship blazed out into space"
  • verb:   shoot rapidly and repeatedly
    Example: "He blazed away at the men"
  • name:  A surname (rare: 1 in 100000 families; popularity rank in the U.S.: #17871)