Definitions of big:
- adjective: marked by intense physical force
Example: "A big wind"
- adjective: significant
Example: "Graduation was a big day in his life"
- adjective: loud and firm
Example: "A big voice"
- adjective: feeling self-importance
Example: "Too big for his britches"
- adjective: of very great significance
Example: "Deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decision"
- adjective: conspicuous in position or importance
Example: "A big figure in the movement"
- adjective: given or giving freely
Example: "Was a big tipper"
- adjective: generous and understanding and tolerant
Example: "A heart big enough to hold no grudges"
- adjective: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Example: "Set out for the big city"
- adjective: (of animals) fully developed
- adjective: very intense
Example: "In a big rage"
- adjective: exhibiting self-importance
Example: "Big talk"
- adverb: in a major way
Example: "The play failed big at the box office"
- adverb: on a grand scale
Example: "Think big"
- adverb: extremely well
Example: "His performance went over big"
- adverb: in a boastful manner
Example: "He talked big all evening"
- name: A surname (rare: 1 in 100000 families; popularity rank in the U.S.: #12681)