Definitions of age:
- noun: how long something has existed
Example: "It was replaced because of its age"
- noun: a time in life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises
Example: "She was now of school age"
- noun: a prolonged period of time
Example: "We've known each other for ages"
- noun: an era of history having some distinctive feature
Example: "We live in a litigious age"
- noun: a late time of life
Example: "Old age is not for sissies"
- verb: begin to seem older; get older
Example: "The death of his wife caused him to age fast"
- verb: make older
Example: "The death of his child aged him tremendously"
- verb: grow old or older
Example: "She aged gracefully"
- name: A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #53176)