Words and phrases that have a meaning related to foiled: (127 results)
Often used in the same context:
thwarted, botched, sabotaged, nabbed, hatched, masterminded, scuttled, stymied, rob, snuffed, repelled, hijack, derailed, disrupted, eluded, assassinate, bungled, plotting, aborted, backfired, scupper, kidnap, quashed, frustrate, abduct, averted, attempted, neutralized, negated, outwitted, dashed, intercepted, squelched, hijacked, failed, escaped, rebuffed, overpowered, unraveled, snared, waylaid, blocked, burgle, concocted, scotched, fizzled, evaded, apprehended, snatch, detonate, outfoxed, repulsed, denied, steal, misfired, chased, arrested, hampered, orchestrated, nixed, defused, nipped, undid, commandeered, attacked, spoiled, blunted, busted, spurned, nicked, smothered, carjack, sneaked, shelved, quelled, infiltrated, aided, burglarize, executed, squashed, halted, instigated, nullified, avenge, pounced, tipped, checkmated, rammed, detained, delayed, sealed, ambushed, swooped, highjack, felled, missed, undermined, foxed, hindered, sparked, marred, terrorized, baffled, murderous, cusped, futile, abortive, cowardly, dastardly, frustrated, insatiable, premeditated, unsuccessful, audacious, broken, concerted, quixotic, treacherous, trefoiled
Appears in the definition of:
arnold, babel, benedict arnold, foil, tower of babel
Also try:defeated, disappointed, discomfited
— Nouns for foiled: attempt, plot, ambition, arch, star, arches, robbery, lover, circle, circles, pieces, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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