Words and phrases that have a meaning related to unaffordable: (112 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:unsustainable, affordable, prohibitive, uneconomical, exorbitant, expensive, unviable, unworkable, uneconomic, untenable, uncompetitive, subsidized, unfeasible, unmanageable, inequitable, intolerable, overpriced, unsaleable, unobtainable, undertaxed, unlivable, uninsurable, unsupportable, cheaper, unpractical, underinsured, impractical, unacceptable, infeasible, unpalatable, onerous, regressive, unattainable, unliveable, inadequate, overcrowded, unrealistic, underfunded, irresponsible, unconscionable, burdensome, costly, uninsured, pricey, inaccessible, overburdened, wealthier, inefficient, overtaxed, extortionate, feasible, obsolete, unemployable, inviable, unenforceable, ungovernable, unbearable, desirable, uninhabitable, worthless, poorer, resourceless, unsafe, substandard, counterproductive, indefensible, undoable, unjustifiable, subsidised, wasteful, shortsighted, destitute, iniquitous, insupportable, unattractive, obsolescent, unfunded, unwise, unmanageably, unsalable, inflexible, tenable, inconvenient, unpopular, ludicrous, unremunerative, liveable, unachievable, outrageous, useless, underpriced, overvalued, vicious circle, unappealing, unmarketable, unusable, undrinkable, overgenerous, penniless, overpopulated, dearer, insolvent, rental, deductible, prepaid, unsubsidized, nondeductible, premium, reimbursable, purchase, traded, unpaid
— Nouns for unaffordable: luxury, housing, luxuries, costs, prices, levels, care, cost, rents, price, premiums, more...
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