Words and phrases that have a meaning related to misrepresented: (127 results)
Often used in the same context:
misled, lied, overstated, misinformed, misstated, falsified, exaggerated, misinterpreted, contradicted, misunderstood, deceived, distorted, disregarded, defamed, fudged, misquoted, impugns, inflated, misadvised, manipulated, overestimated, defrauded, misconstrued, undersold, disparaged, mischaracterize, understating, misused, violated, duped, slandered, rebutted, belittled, undermined, conflicted, omitted, misread, denigrated, miscalculated, prejudiced, refuted, doctored, demeaned, misreport, fabricated, mismanaged, misspoke, disclose, ignored, lowballed, hoodwinked, questioned, undervaluing, biased, disavowed, overcharged, conflated, altered, demonized, withheld, misappropriated, libeled, substantiate, underestimated, resiled, misapplied, reneged, alleges, disagreed, trivialized, vindicates, misperceive, contravened, repudiated, compromised, perjurious, discredited, concealing, asserted, flawed, prejudged, dissembled, challenged, overblown, mishandled, betrayed, harmed, disputing, sued, disclaimed, obfuscates, debunked, ridiculed, differed, defended, retracted, controverted, besmirched, downplayed, mocked, jeopardized, clarify, uninteresting, diese, objectified, unimportant, believable, certain, dependable, euch, homeliest, horsey, inessential, nonrelated, obscure, obscured, other, perceive, plainest, prosaic, quotable, unrelated
Also try:artful, disingenuous
— Nouns for misrepresented: facts, country, versifier, man, goods, matters, policemen, statements, character, fact, form, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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