Words and phrases that have a meaning related to yokuts: (138 results)
Often used in the same context:
miwok, maidu, wintun, paiute, costanoan, hupa, patwin, chumash, cocopah, kalapuya, takelma, anasazi, diegueno, ioway, mound builders, quechan, mattole, nahua, kiva, adobes, kachina, huaca, kwakiutl, atakapa, algonquian, yaqui, caddoan, mixtec, jicarilla, huichol, iroquoian, covered wagon, santee sioux, saddletree, algonkian, teepees, hunkpapa, shoshones, siouan, tule, chiricahua, navaho, pictographs, havasupai, hoopa, chinookan, polacca, petroglyph, prieta, ponca, panoche, quillwork, arapaho, algonquian language, deer lick, hidatsa, pawnees, lemonwood, piegan, basketry, bootjack, hopis, zuni, hueco, williwaw, eared grebe, cheyennes, tepees, tarahumara, fry bread, acequia, creosote bush, sweetbrier, ojibway, lassen peak, tipi, shortleaf pine, tribe, rancheria, zane grey, californio, rancheros, salish, clarkia, cactus wren, chamisal, wickiup, arikara, latah, toltec, windigo, little bighorn river, mandans, chiricahua apache, powder horn, torreya, wistaria, gros ventre, wigwam, kickapoo, placita, indian reservation, arizona, bantu, eskimos, california, counties, county, dakota, eskimo, parish, parishes, prefectures, pueblo, pueblos, shire, shires, township, townships, villages, arabia, atolls, kachin, nguni, tsimshian, tzotzil, xhosa, ainu, akan, appalachian, athabascan, athapaskan, batak, bhil, bororo, byzantine
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Also try:penutian
— Adjectives for yokuts: southern, northern, neighboring, central, modern, northernmost, southerly, adjacent, correct, ancient, comparativemore...
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