Words and phrases that have a meaning related to sticking plaster: (106 results)
Often used in the same context:
bandaid, bandage, superglue, daft, bodged, elastoplast, timescale, cauterise, bodge, workshy, limpet, naff, elasticated, verrucas, nettle, zimmer frame, quango, adhesive bandage, breeks, duffel coat, knicker, clingfilm, kipper, blancmange, skint, footling, spackle, worryingly, gobbledegook, hokey cokey, panacea, yob, plasters, plimsolls, carbuncle, weasel words, unappetising, glue, bunged, nail varnish, ropey, manky, dodgy, piecemeal, haemorrhoid, compression bandage, fig leaf, saltire, urgently, faff, proscriptive, knickers, ointment, furphy, swingeing, underspend, smokescreen, unstitch, barmy, nappies, resole, welly, adjustable spanner, wodge, gammy, thatcherite, baldrick, velcro, cotton wool, magic bullet, fix, splodge, ropy, coathanger, stopgap, elasticised, silver bullet, titchy, splints, pinprick, palliative, unpicking, pillock, straitjacket, sellotape, prat, sensible, timebomb, chiropodist, chapping, tatty, superficial, minging, galashiels, perspex, tourniquet, darning needle, risible, brolly, stocking filler, tumble dryer
More specific:
court plaster, shinplaster
More general:
adhesive tape
Also try:adhesive plaster, plaster
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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