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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to spadix:   (148 results)

Often used in the same context:
spathe, inflorescences, umbels, panicles, racemes, bract, stamen, axils, catkin, petioles, sepals, anthers, flower bud, midrib, culms, cankers, corm, bellflower, calyx, bulbils, berberis, flower stalk, flowerlike, cumulus cloud, spikelets, reddish purple, pistil, petals, cumulonimbus cloud, cotyledons, pulmonaria, vinca minor, whorl, stolons, anemone, goldenrods, nutlets, photinia, circlet, palps, skunk cabbage, bottlebrush, rootlets, rachis, fingerlike, stinkhorn, pustules, andromeda, cranesbill, papule, cotoneaster, purple clematis, moss phlox, mullein, fruitlets, trout lily, red osier dogwood, sweet alyssum, euphorbia, drupe, bunchberry, seedpod, calla lily, bicolor, hummingbird moth, katsura tree, dwarf iris, dracaena, hellebore, peduncle, hollyhock, strangler fig, sweet woodruff, leatherleaf, toad lily, eupatorium, lungwort, plumbago, swamp milkweed, abscission layer, purplish red, polyanthus, flowering shrub, twiggy, hyphae, muscari, greenish yellow, ceanothus, trichomes, sapwood, euonymus, puffballs, trumpet vine, baptisia, cow parsnip, blossoms, pale violet, campanula, crinoid, sclerotia, staghorn, cereus, filament, inflorescence, pod, catkins, petiole, stalk, stipe, abdomen, panicle, rhizome, stem, tail, thorax, spike, corolla

Appears in the definition of:
., amorphophallus rivieri, anthurium andraeanum, anthurium scherzerianum, arisaema atrorubens, arisaema dracontium, arisaema triphyllum, aroid, arum, arum lily, arum maculatum, calla, calla lily, cuckoopint, devil's tongue, flamingo flower, flamingo plant, genus alocasia, golden club, green dragon, indian turnip, jack-in-the-pulpit, lords-and-ladies, orontium aquaticum, snake palm, spathe, umbrella arum, wake-robin, zantedeschia aethiopica

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— Adjectives for spadix: same, yellow, long, male, female, cylindrical, shaped, white, like, fleshy, simple, more...

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