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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to sedge:   (220 results)

Often used in the same context:
pondweed, shadbush, marsh marigold, sumacs, saxifrage, euonymus, cotoneaster, nepeta, catalpa, horsetail, eupatorium, smartweed, hawkweed, toadflax, serviceberry, mahonia, swamp milkweed, cinquefoil, limber pine, snowberry, mullein, barberry, arctostaphylos, red osier dogwood, squill, umbel, honeysuckles, deciduous holly, prunus, chinkapin, teasel, sphagnum, creeping jenny, fritillary, trilliums, bellflower, ironweed, meadow rue, conifers, spiderwort, kangaroo paw, maidenhair, glabra, gentians, bearberry, croton, oenothera, laevis, sword fern, carex, bottlebrush, fern, turtlehead, hickories, fleabane, lupines, bridal wreath, opuntia, cattail, silky dogwood, vinca minor, maidenhair fern, marram grass, pussy willow, oxalis, creeping thyme, cineraria, typha, swallow wort, flowering shrub, spatterdock, toyon, pincushion flower, sphinx moth, concolor, tamarack, euphorbia, yaupon, freshwater mussel, hackberry, groundsel, vetch, kahikatea, wattles, goldenrods, yaupon holly, loosestrife, santolina, mosses, leatherleaf, moss, pokeweed, sphagnum moss, cowslips, ostrich fern, tickseed, willows, bunchberry, bunchgrass, shagbark hickory, foxtail, buttonbush, sedges, grass, reeds, heather, bracken, tussocks, willow, tufts, broom, furze, herbage, seaweed, stalks, bamboo, creeper, ferns, foliage, rushy, marsh, shrub, chaparral, weed, bulrush, eutrophic, mangrove, peat, swamp, turf, boggy, prairie, reed, sedgy, windblown, coniferous

More specific:
carex arenaria, carex pseudocyperus, chufa, cotton grass, cotton rush, cyperus alternifolius, cyperus esculentus, cyperus longus, cyperus papyrus, cyperus rotundus, cypress sedge, earth almond, egyptian paper reed, galangal, galingale, ground almond, hardstemmed bulrush, hardstem bulrush, nutgrass, nutsedge, nut grass, nut sedge, paper rush, papyrus, rush nut, sand reed, sand sedge, scirpus acutus, scirpus cyperinus, spike rush, umbrella plant, umbrella sedge, wool grass, yellow nutgrass

Appears in the definition of:
bog plant, carex arenaria, carex pseudocyperus, chinese water chestnut, chufa, cotton grass, cotton rush, creeping spike rush, cyperus alternifolius, cyperus esculentus, cyperus longus, cyperus papyrus, cyperus rotundus, cypress sedge, earth almond, egyptian paper reed, egyptian paper rush, eleocharis dulcis, eleocharis palustris, galangal, galingale, ground almond, hardstemmed bulrush, hardstem bulrush, marsh plant, nutgrass, nutsedge, nut grass, nut sedge, paper plant, paper rush, papyrus, rushlike, rush nut, sand reed, sand sedge, scirpus acutus, scirpus cyperinus, sedgelike, spike rush, swamp plant, umbrella plant, umbrella sedge, water chestnut, wiesenboden, wool grass, yellow nutgrass

More general:
bog plant, marsh plant, swamp plant

Also try:
— Adjectives for sedge: broom, tall, common, green, yellow, dry, brown, small, coarse, little, withered, more...

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