Words and phrases that have a meaning related to sebaceous: (166 results)
Often used in the same context:
eccrine, apocrine, sebaceous gland, sebaceous glands, glans penis, hyperplastic, anal canal, adrenal cortex, lacrimal gland, exocrine, pannus, perivascular, mesothelial, vulval, parotid, spermatic cord, tumoral, candida albicans, edematous, erectile tissue, cecal, umbilical vein, suppurative, uterine cervix, meibomian gland, conjunctival, mesenteric, seminal vesicle, collagenous, lymphoid tissue, mucinous, meningeal, pustular, pleomorphic, polypoid, hematoxylin, truncal, pruritic, proteoglycan, pyrimidine, mucoid, glomerular, dysplastic, zona pellucida, erythematous, submandibular gland, ciliated, infiltrative, ileal, genus plasmodium, lichen planus, hilar, papular, antidiuretic hormone, osteoid, epithelioid, proteinaceous, granulomatous, choroidal, glans, labia minora, hyaline, lobular, immunoreactive, tyrosinase, interdigital, pelvic cavity, hepatocellular, polymorphonuclear, adrenocortical, leydig cell, axillary, hyaline cartilage, epithelial cell, dentate, malar, pyloric, lymphatic tissue, mononuclear, synovial, oestrogen, stellate, pancreatic duct, arteriolar, granulation tissue, sitosterol, acinar, salicylic, duodenal, ethmoid, secretase, ectodermal, mineralocorticoid, oropharyngeal, labia majora, punctate, eosinophilic, pyloric stenosis, cytolytic, epithelial tissue, gastroesophageal, borrelia burgdorferi, naevus, nevus, sebaceus, flammeus, follicle, follicles, hypoplasia, naevi, nevi, osteolysis, reticle, simplex, spilus, 1984a, 1c, 1cs, a0, ab, aba, ablation, glandular, follicular, papillary, adenomatous, papillomatous, prostatic, squamous, epidermal, parathyroid, adrenal, ductal, endometrial, mesonephric, salivary, secreting, adenoid
Appears in the definition of:
acne, chalazion, eye infection, hair follicle, hordeolum, keratosis pilaris, meibomian cyst, meibomian gland, milium, montgomery's tubercle, overactivity, pilar cyst, pilosebaceous, sebaceous cyst, seborrhea, sebum, smegma, steatocystoma, sty, stye, tarsal gland, wen, whitehead
Also try:fat, fatty, greasy, oily, oleaginous
— Nouns for sebaceous: glands, gland, cysts, follicles, cyst, carcinoma, matter, material, secretion, cells, hyperplasia, more...
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