Words and phrases that have a meaning related to reinvigorate: (106 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:invigorate, revitalize, rejuvenate, revive, energize, reinvigorating, resurrect, reignite, revivify, jumpstart, reinvigorated, rekindle, reshape, bolster, stimulate, refocus, galvanize, relaunch, reinvent, boost, refashion, revamp, restore, spur, redefine, transform, flagging, strengthen, reestablish, rebuild, reposition, reorganize, recapture, modernize, broaden, regenerate, moribund, unify, enliven, resuscitate, retool, infuse, diversify, rediscover, promote, faltering, reengage, freshen, remold, solidify, burnish, contemporize, reawaken, spearhead, globalize, realign, expand, streamline, restructure, improve, reintroduce, sagging, enhance, reactivate, liven, vitalize, reassert, catalyze, recreate, inspire, popularize, professionalise, deepen, renew, europeanize, stabilize, fortify, reframe, instil, foundering, reclaim, entice, supercharge, spark, inject, refresh, reimagine, reconstitute, floundering, regain, undermine, attract, accelerate, democratize, recast, reinforce, reaffirm, consolidate, reorient, reacquaint, nurture, establish
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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