Words and phrases that have a meaning related to prevaricate: (106 results)
Often used in the same context:
temporize, dissemble, equivocate, snivel, obfuscate, ignore, castigate, dissimulate, pussyfooting, misgovern, cogitate, loth, bloviate, discomfit, ostracise, cavilling, pretend, naysay, mollycoddle, prate, moralize, fulminate, grovel, cower, denude, betray, bemuse, vilify, demonize, sermonise, hectoring, backbite, pontificating, contrive, beseech, misapply, prattle, simper, confabulate, entreat, sulk, dithering, inculpate, scruple, pander, tarrying, enfeeble, demonizing, dawdle, bewail, demur, aggrandise, coarsen, cajole, harrumphing, chastise, acquiesce, oppress, fidget, snigger, importune, sentimentalise, refuse, scold, totter, diddle, speechify, overprotect, traduce, berate, agonize, admonish, beggaring, dare, tu quoque, lionise, capitulate, tyrannize, waddle, misconceive, bleat, ossify, tyrannise, reprove, debase, kidology, inveigle, misreport, mutter, abominate, natter, despising, exaggerate, chivvy, coddle, extenuate, psychoanalyze, unheeding, lie, loathe, brutalise, cloy
Also try:palter, tergiversate
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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