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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to prescribe:   (115 results)

Often used in the same context:
administer, dispense, tricyclic antidepressant, use, medicate, titrate, misdiagnose, apply, treat, consult, contraindicate, anaesthetise, sedates, nasal decongestant, readopt, reimport, proscribe, spinal anesthetic, regulate, acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel bisulfate, assisted suicide, antianxiety drug, secondary amenorrhea, recommend, individualise, antiarrhythmic drug, psychoactive substance, misbrand, muscle relaxant, monoamine oxidase inhibitor, impose, alpha blocker, reimported, arrogate, promulgate, oral contraceptive pill, primary care physician, endovenous, adulterate, underdose, modify, anticoagulant medication, refer, intubate, clomiphene citrate, anesthetize, potentiate, invoke, generic name, electroconvulsive therapy, topical anesthetic, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, palpate, tissue plasminogen activator, omit, ipratropium bromide, doxepin hydrochloride, randomise, interpret, deworm, emend, think, abide, arid, believe, respond, serve, advanced, aud, can, confess, depart, destitute, do, embody, get, hard, hon, impertinent, laughing, long, antiarrhythmic, homoeopathic, injectable, prescribed, affordable, aging, allopathic, alterative, amnesic, amphetamine, analeptic, antacid, anthelmintic, antianxiety, antiarthritic, anticancer, anticholinergic, anticonvulsant, antidepressant

Appears in the definition of:
cephalexin, contraindication, indication, keflex, keflin, keftab, oculist, optometrist

More general:
bring down, impose, inflict, visit

dictate, order

Also try:
— Adjectives for prescribe: less, latter, australian, dead, prompt, same, learned, most, eminent, few, present, more...

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