Words and phrases that have a meaning related to poultry: (181 results)
Often used in the same context:
chickens, livestock, fowl, meat, swine, pork, pigmeat, dairy, broiler, pigs, hens, beef cattle, cattle, hogs, abattoir, coccidiosis, beef, ruminant, slaughterhouse, seafood, turkeys, dairy cattle, cervid, offals, animal husbandry, shrimp, nitrofuran, salmonella, aquaculture, bluetongue, agriculture, mad cow disease, agricultural, birds, flocks, pullet, farm, cows, catfish, egg, piggeries, shellfish, tomato, horsemeat, fowl cholera, salmonella enteritidis, listeria, potato wart, civets, dairy cow, quail, animal, tilapia, deadstock, chicken manure, feedstuff, swine fever, milkfish, fish, hog cholera, listeria monocytogenes, carcasses, venison, hatchery, freshwater fish, veal, farmers, meat packer, sheep, civet cat, finfish, swiftlet, bovine spongiform encephalitis, slaughter, vegetable, vesicular stomatitis, trichinella, poult, glanders, outbreak, swine influenza, raw milk, manure, coli, peanut, aviculture, feedlot, capons, trichinosis, veterinary, prawn, blackleg, guinea fowl, boars, mutton, gallus gallus, lamb, culling, rinderpest, crawfish, dairy farmer, breeders, fowls, goats, oysters, cocoa, meats, mussels, pigeons, squab, stock, hog, chicken, oyster, silkworm, lumber, pig, tobacco, book, beet, goat
More specific:
cochin, cochin china, cornish, dove, duck, game fowl, goose, guinea, guinea hen, meleagris gallopavo, numida meleagris, plymouth rock, poulet, rock cornish, rock cornish hen, turkey, volaille
Appears in the definition of:
brazilian trumpeter, butcher shop, chicken coop, chicken feed, chicken hawk, chicken louse, chicken run, chicken yard, coop, des, diethylstilbestrol, diethylstilboestrol, fowl run, free-range, galantine, hencoop, henhouse, hen hawk, hen yard, meat market, menopon gallinae, menopon palladum, pilaf, pilaff, pilau, pilaw, pip, poulterer, poultryman, psophia crepitans, scallopine, scallopini, scratch, shaft louse, stilbestrol, stilboestrol, sunflower seed, unenclosed
Part of:
domestic fowl
More general:
Also try:bird, gallinaceon, gallinaceous bird
— Nouns for poultry: yard, house, keeping, yards, raising, keepers, farming, keeper, houses, breeding, farm, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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