Words and phrases that have a meaning related to polygynous: (116 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:polyandrous, outbred, assortative mating, monogamous, consanguineous, endogamous, unisexual, monozygotic, serial monogamy, dizygotic, companionate, pan troglodytes, prairie vole, asexual reproduction, masculinized, asexual, commensal, gonadal, unspecialized, ectothermic, monophyletic, monomorphic, gracile, totipotent, dyadic, aneuploid, intersexual, heterosexual, unmarried, hermaphroditic, estrous, estrous cycle, dinosaurian, meadow vole, patrilineal, undomesticated, mendelian, hyperemesis gravidarum, dioecious, sympatric, polyploid, prokaryote, intraspecific, parthenogenetic, promiscuous, spotted hyena, eukaryote, polygenic, subnormal, procreative, assortative, mole rat, ontogenetic, conspecific, unfertilized, oestrus, unbanded, copulatory, blackcap, summum bonum, nonpregnant, nonbiological, dimorphic, matrilineal, pygmy chimpanzee, inegalitarian, anovulatory, precocial, prepubertal, maladapted, rivalrous, diploid, unfeminine, herbivorous, giraffa camelopardalis, apis mellifera, subsistent, nonhereditary, nurturant, bos taurus, gendered, collectivistic, motile, irruptive, plumaged, recessive, hmg, placental mammal, patriarchic, subadult, equalitarian, fecund, highborn, monozygotic twin, unwedded, cowbird, parasitoid, allelic, unwomanly, intransitive, polygamous, patriarchal, patrilocal, matrilocal, exogamous, monogamic, matrifocal, earner, dysfunctional, matriarchal, parent, dwelling, landholding, preindustrial, sedentary, segmentary
— Nouns for polygynous: marriages, family, marriage, species, families, societies, households, unions, household, system, society, more...
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