Words and phrases that have a meaning related to pestles: (121 results)
Often used in the same context:
metate, grouts, concretes, flints, slaked lime, awls, adzes, cardamon, lignum vitae, shells, ironware, woodenware, poultices, carobs, bricks, farfel, charoset, trivets, husking, stones, hickory nut, copperware, cinnamon bark, reamers, musketry, decoctions, potsherds, arrowheads, soapstone, pemmican, cornhusks, matchlock, lithic, onyx marble, laths, saltpeter, tomahawks, putties, silverwork, fennel seed, copal, hardtack, basketry, catechu, ovenware, greaseproof, chinking, morter, excelsior, cascara, grindstones, sorghum molasses, gladius, pontil, mastic, ocarinas, spears, tinware, cacao bean, birchbark, huon pine, saltpetre, mortar, earthenware, usu, applewood, birch bark, peelings, ceiba, tinctures, salad burnet, castor sugar, gunpowder, sphagnum, cowries, cannoneers, boles, taro root, pulverizer, nibs, peashooters, tinsmiths, demerara sugar, pessaries, gourds, admixtures, burnet, greenware, nutshells, minie ball, brickmaking, colanders, inlaying, parquetry, asafetida, compotes, demerara, coontie, smithing, cabochons, lyres, manioc, pestle, mallets, hammers, baskets, canoes, spouts, coffins, pots, chisels, hatchets, plows, rafts, shovels, sledges, spoons, urns, brooms, canes
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Also try:agate
— Adjectives for pestles: wooden, heavy, long, large, cylindrical, shaped, small, several, conical, golden, huge, more...
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