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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to parotid:   (140 results)

Often used in the same context:
eccrine, mesenteric, apocrine, lacrimal gland, hyperplastic, anal canal, edematous, pannus, submandibular gland, glans penis, tumoral, hilar, spermatic cord, axillary, ethmoid, cecal, sebaceous, polypoid, supraclavicular, peritoneal cavity, oropharyngeal, seminal vesicle, tracheobronchial, vulval, mucinous, lymphoid tissue, fibrocystic, adenomatous, duodenal, lymphatic tissue, intracerebral, osteoid, hepatic vein, sphenoid, sebaceous gland, adrenal cortex, meningeal, lymph gland, perivascular, synovial, pleomorphic, renal pelvis, retroperitoneal, erythematous, mesothelial, splenic, parotid gland, exocrine, parenchymal, uterine cervix, papillary, diverticular, pelvic cavity, lichen planus, endocrine gland, adrenocortical, pharyngeal, resected, choroid, candida albicans, thoracic duct, stenotic, infiltrative, truncal, glomerular, calcific, sigmoid colon, synovial joint, ileal, polymorphonuclear, collagenous, pyloric, nuchal, esophagogastric junction, urinary bladder, striated muscle, suppurative, umbilical vein, oesophageal, intrathoracic, radicular, jejunal, olecranon, epithelioid, dysplastic, extracranial, optic chiasm, granulomatous, adenoid, parathyroid, arteriolar, subconjunctival, nonvascular, superior mesenteric artery, lymphocytic, avascular, spermatic, anterior pituitary gland, glans, ascending colon, adnexal, bronchogenic, adrenal, cervical, gland, carotid, maxillary, kidney, lung, ovary, salivary, testicle, cortical, epididymis, pancreatic, testis, antrum, hippocampus, oviduct, retina, acini, submandibular, prostatic, lacrimal, tonsillar, submaxillary, mammary, appendiceal, ovarian, glandular, hepatic, mediastinal, perirenal, periurethral

Appears in the definition of:
epidemic parotitis, mumps, otic ganglion, otoganglion, parotid vein, parotitis

Also try:
— Nouns for parotid: gland, glands, duct, saliva, tumors, region, enlargement, tumor, nodes, secretion, fascia, more...

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