Words and phrases that have a meaning related to nimbly: (105 results)
Often used in the same context:
deftly, adroitly, agilely, skillfully, effortlessly, fluidly, smartly, lithely, expertly, intelligently, skilfully, gracefully, cleverly, dexterously, delicately, energetically, clumsily, artfully, briskly, masterfully, shrewdly, seamlessly, suavely, gingerly, crisply, elegantly, coolly, swiftly, lazily, confidently, unhurriedly, cleanly, jerkily, astutely, awkwardly, capably, ingeniously, playfully, daintily, brilliantly, resourcefully, assertively, nonchalantly, stealthily, stiffly, craftily, powerfully, fearlessly, sinuously, cannily, gracelessly, noiselessly, subtly, frenetically, thoughtfully, dynamically, imaginatively, superbly, admirably, slyly, beautifully, soundlessly, calmly, spastically, neatly, languidly, quickly, ably, fleetly, creakily, amiably, wittily, magnificently, unpredictably, snappily, slickly, gently, easily, trickily, serenely, blithely, sweetly, intrepidly, lickety split, gamely, languorously, compellingly, haplessly, engagingly, feebly, impressively, flawlessly, sensitively, casually, efficiently, hectically, gymnastically, instinctively, crazily, purposefully, competently, skittishly
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Also try:sword dance, sword dancing, whisk
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