Words and phrases that have a meaning related to moulting:  (142 results)
Often used in the same context:
molting, precocial, phalaropes, turnstones, dowitchers, guillemot, shearwater, featherless, redshank, moulted, eiders, swifts, passerine, chaffinches, finback, fulmars, lungless, razorbill, nesting, wrigglers, kittiwake, pupation, stag beetle, pupa, barnacle goose, anting, skua, bearded vulture, godwits, kinglets, swamp sparrow, nightjars, wolf spider, ectothermic, estrous, fungus gnat, melanistic, sparrow hawk, cygnet, ruddy turnstone, goldeneyes, auks, redpolls, petrels, mating, fantails, daddy longlegs, spotted sandpiper, lechwe, echidnas, gannet, moray eel, phoebes, bellbirds, oestrus, grayish brown, nymphal, spiny anteater, springtails, rusty blackbird, woodlice, catbirds, platypuses, tranquillise, curlews, subadult, lesser yellowlegs, jaegers, lorikeet, butterflyfish, takahe, puffins, summer tanager, tufted puffin, vesper sparrow, laughing gull, sparrowhawk, cicada killer, stoat, hyrax, ptarmigans, photoperiod, wandering albatross, tadpoles, egg laying, dunlin, binturong, hibernated, baleen whale, jabiru, nonmigratory, foraging, linnet, tufted duck, insectivores, tree mallow, olive ridley, mistle thrush, rufus, yellowjacket, reed warbler, ringed plover, molt, moult, molts, defoliation, flowering, inundation, renewals, replenishment, thawing, weeding, menstruation, metamorphosis, ovulation, parturition, renewal, revision, ripening, shedding, sloughing, anabolic, diabetogenic, dispersing, luteolytic, progestational, stimulatory, accelerating, aging, androgenic, antidiuretic, antigonadotropic, antiinflammatory, antilipolytic, antiphlogistic, antithyroid, bioactive, bloodborne, depositing, diuretic, elevating
Also try:
— Adjectives for moulting: first, last, second, fourth, third, larval, periodic, final, annual, further, seasonal, more...

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