Words and phrases that have a meaning related to meagre:  (143 results)
Often used in the same context:
meager, plenteous, paltry, business news, burkina faso, scanty, consequent, mth, unremunerative, poor, central african republic, unrecognised, subsidised, across the board, niggardly, miserly, neighbourly, anaemic, propping up, scarce, unfavourable, propertyless, lowish, tasmanian, bountiful, copious, guinea corn, black marketeering, eke out, taper off, spoilt, cognisant, measly, devilled, totalized, drying up, weighed down, lacklustre, stabilising, per capita income, oil production, cover story, negligible, world view, goodish, vedanta, central africa, destitute, unauthorised, resultant, mutual understanding, reading room, munificent, patchy, institutionalised, dip into, shrug off, el dorado, marginal, patronising, resourceless, wage increase, dearness, lumpen, zambian kwacha, wage hike, conacre, carve up, growth rate, moss phlox, book review, cold spell, cheap, gourde, plighted, unsown, scant, sperm count, ceaseless, sweep away, high commissioner, demoralised, cashed up, bounteous, tanzanian shilling, inconsiderable, epping forest, modest, piddling, cut corners, trifling, ricardian, buoyant, capital gains tax, decent, miniscule, raw deal, sounding board, unending, unremitted, agonising, localised, advanced, simple, arid, barren, briefly, deals, depart, deserving, everybody, get, lies, none, nothing, picturesque, put, read, serve, slight, tallies, un, scantiest, exiguous, ample, scantier, plentiful, insufficient, adequate, available, inadequate, stinted, ampler, ble, abundant, derisory
Also try:
— Nouns for meagre: resources, income, results, information, diet, salary, fare, supply, evidence, rations, living, more...

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