Words and phrases that have a meaning related to matrimony: (150 results)
Often used in the same context:
marriage, matrimonial, nuptial, monogamy, remarriage, mariage, solemnisation, wed, cohabitation, couples, procreative, betrothal, divorcees, romance, hetero, newlyweds, loveless, celibates, bachelorhood, parenthood, divorce, connubial, platonic, serial monogamy, spinsterhood, solemnization, wedlock, coverture, infidelity, heterosexuality, elopement, weddings, soulmate, blessedness, lovebirds, bliss, halacha, unfaithfulness, cuckoldry, chastity, helpmeet, officiants, banns, bride, celibacy, prenup, singleness, filial, marries, courtship, gayness, indissolubility, splitsville, knot, trinitarian, intimacy, marrieds, deflowering, husbandly, eros, companionate, lowliness, soul mate, rishi, sanyasi, fornication, prince william, endogamy, jnana, consecration, infinitude, harlotry, womanhood, concupiscence, maleness, palimony, exes, unchastity, polygyny, lesbians, domesticity, wiccan, bridegrooms, fatherhood, auspiciousness, coitus, motherhood, polyandry, lovemaking, monogamist, lagan, decree absolute, suttee, adultery, nooky, singletons, virtuousness, polygamy, cuckolds, interracial, consenting adult, spouse, absolution, inauguration, excommunication, martyrdom, sabbath, baptism, calling, pardon, passover, reconciliation, banishment, emancipation, reformation, union, 1-3, advisable, ago, alive, almanac, altar, any, apostles, appropriate, auncient, auspicious, austere, away, aweful, awfullest, awkward, awkwardest, bad, baiting, bayal
More specific:
bigamy, common-law marriage, exogamy, inmarriage, intermarriage, marriage of convenience, misalliance, monandry, monogamousness, monogyny
Appears in the definition of:
married, matrimonial law, sacrament
More general:
Also try:marital status
— Adjectives for matrimony: holy, lawful, legal, true, happy, outside, clerical, early, unholy, civil, christian, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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