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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to macula:   (140 results)

Often used in the same context:
retina, optic nerve, fovea, photoreceptors, substantia nigra, retinal, cornea, uvea, crystalline lens, choroid, cerebellum, myelin sheath, visual cortex, cortex, macular degeneration, papule, mesothelium, fundus, vasculature, pineal gland, iritis, conjunctiva, frontal lobe, hippocampus, basal ganglia, myelin, diverticula, photoreceptor, retinopathy, aqueous humor, sclera, midbrain, corpus striatum, arterioles, occipital lobe, opacification, temporal lobe, ciliary body, demyelination, lacrimal gland, amyloid plaque, retinal detachment, forebrain, periorbital, retinitis pigmentosa, cerebral cortex, papilledema, epithelium, dermis, keratoconus, bronchi, brainstem, sebaceous glands, brain, electrical conduction, hypoventilation, pituitary gland, gyrus, bronchioles, stroma, capillaries, dentine, presbyopia, fatty tissue, rhodopsin, prefrontal, vitreous, meninges, hyperpigmentation, anisometropia, thalamus, porphyrins, peripheral vision, pelvic cavity, adrenal cortex, pterygium, prostate gland, trigeminal nerve, glomerulus, neurons, cranial nerve, acetylcholine, frontal cortex, micronuclei, somatosensory, sebaceous gland, degenerative disorder, pleura, myelination, superior colliculus, melanocytes, axons, endothelium, fusiform, tubules, hyperopia, parenchyma, globus pallidus, keloid, haemolysis, endometrium, intraocular pressure, annulus, acetabulum, areola, iris, pinna, apex, cerebrum, clavicle, hemispheres, lamella, bundle, eyeball, leaf, meatus, mesentery

More specific:
freckle, liver spot, plague spot

Appears in the definition of:
macular degeneration

Part of:
cutis, retina, skin, tegument

More general:
area, dapple, fleck, maculation, patch, place, region, speckle, spot, topographic point

macula lutea, macular area, macule, sunspot, yellow spot

Also try:
— Adjectives for macula: utricular, saccular, central, left, red, right, human, normal, false, lagenar, temporal, more...

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