Words and phrases that have a meaning related to khepera: (103 results)
Often used in the same context:
mzi, ambry, limen, ichor, tju, sounding rocket, ecol, rdg, ecce, gise, kermis, magnifica, eniac, anago, mca, spes, le chatelier, mutina, vanta, petto, cynara, versant, ribonuclease, eldo, hybridoma, turing machine, carolus linnaeus, etas, vicus, aprilis, nuclear magnetic resonance, eugenius, pise, porifera, graviton, cytometer, nomen, majorana, physiol, duros, efrem zimbalist, gela, arae, terpsichore, sper, aunt sally, gradatim, peral, univac, punica, biologie, ixion, gatling, lucida, heptagon, oros, herman hollerith, natrix, sirrah, golightly, crystallographer, batist, starshine, indart, asterion, fairie, astronomie, inogen, philadelphus, dister, audient, chaine, electroacoustic, kerria, deimos, infiniti, magik, milkyway, enzymology, object recognition, zingiber officinale, orcus, rinzai, carcel, rotary actuator, schola, aerodyne, trio sonata, gloria patri, clothes pin, victus, montia, synthesist, anova, zendo, cantilena, pathol, wyclif, alcyone, nereus, clarino, capillary action
More general:
Also try:egyptian deity
— Adjectives for khepera: real, tem, mobile, khuti
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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