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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to hypodermic syringe:   (106 results)

hypodermic needle

Often used in the same context:
hypodermic needle, syringe, switchblade knife, dilaudid, hypodermic, pocketknife, stun baton, plastic bag, chlordiazepoxide, screwdriver, knife, antianxiety drug, cigarette lighter, steak knife, anaprox, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, amyl nitrite, vial, switchblade, butcher knife, knuckle duster, dimethyltryptamine, oxazepam, nylon stocking, criminal possession, fanny pack, phenylpropanolamine, seconal, pilocarpine, crowbar, psilocin, needles, heroin, soda bottle, trazodone hydrochloride, bindle, glove compartment, denatured alcohol, inhaler, roach clip, ampule, atarax, hatpin, phial, benzocaine, pills, floorboard, billy club, valerate, restoril, potassium dichromate, nebulizer, handgun, cannabis resin, xylocaine, potassium nitrate, machete, controlled substance, first degree, lug wrench, brass knuckles, cataflam, lignocaine, amyl nitrate, pry bar, canula, ashtray, duffle bag, sewing needle, claw hammer, laudanum, tube sock, fentanyl, suppository, derringer, infuser, dilantin, bowie knife, methylated spirits, morphine, sudafed, curare, cocaine, wallet, dextroamphetamine, bolt cutter, methocarbamol, garden hose, maleate, balaclava, temazepam, pillowcase, handbag, lancet, bookbag, dalmane, ethyl ether, nitroglycerine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, sulfa, benadryl, isopropyl alcohol

More general:

hypo, hypodermic

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