Words and phrases that have a meaning related to gums: (148 results)
Often used in the same context:
tooth enamel, skin, dentine, gingiva, cuds, eyelids, cheeks, teeth, cambium, blackheads, leukoplakia, cuticles, gingivitis, molars, vernix, tooth decay, bronchial tubes, cementum, wattles, pastilles, foxtails, styes, seborrhea, tannic acid, nostrils, lips, lungs, discolorations, exudate, nose, mucous membrane, swellings, uvula, mucus, dentin, fontanelle, sunscald, toenails, tear duct, conjunctiva, papilla, granulation tissue, pimples, tummy, papule, mottling, jewelweed, inflammations, esophagus, cataracts, tissues, cerumen, nyssa sylvatica, astringents, telangiectasia, moxa, bicuspids, petioles, eugenol, comedones, tonsils, sapwood, eyelashes, calamine, cornea, secretions, lichen planus, chancre, rootlets, papilledema, sinuses, crusting, sumacs, enamel, earwax, decoctions, jaw, granulomas, juglone, crystalline lens, furring, iritis, leucoderma, epidermis, bowel, wrinkling, dentifrice, sclera, zits, cavities, ear lobe, hyperkeratosis, crinkles, oxalates, dental caries, cyanosis, retinas, hypopigmentation, mouthparts, epiglottis, frenulum, rind, gum, corns, throats, acacias, carnations, figs, throat, balsams, cheeses, coals, geraniums, mouths, palms, pods, sponges, thistles, violets, breasts, caterpillars, flies
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:., calculus, cut, dead, dentition, dislodge, gingival, gingivitis, gum, gumboil, impression, incense tree, methylbenzene, mumble, odontiasis, periodontia, periodontics, periodontist, tartar, teething, toluene, tophus, ulalgia, ulatrophia, ulemorrhagia, ulitis
— Adjectives for gums: toothless, red, natural, sore, blue, spongy, healthy, pink, sweet, various, inflamed, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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