Words and phrases that have a meaning related to gatherer: (148 results)
Often used in the same context:
disseminator, forager, nurturer, scavenger, seeker, storer, outdoorswoman, capturer, hider, woodsman, birdwatcher, hunter, number cruncher, swineherd, socializer, waterfowler, helpmate, gobbler, marketer, griper, aggregation, birder, mapmaker, gatekeeper, dowsers, homesteader, rockhound, aggregator, deliverer, babbler, exploiter, inspirer, haggler, ixodes scapularis, outdoorsman, metasequoia, grazer, foragers, diviner, marketeer, canid, logger, nester, curer, darner, revealer, merchant, tempter, duelist, pilferer, invertebrate, artificer, disher, yaupon holly, mistle thrush, cruncher, piler, devourer, sandbagger, huntress, dogger, charr, cowman, possessor, scribbler, junkie, muncher, twitcher, furbearer, fisher, pamphleteer, frontierswoman, studier, whacker, confessor, gopher, spitter, getter, wapiti, autolycus, tahr, puller, purveyor, prodder, ringneck, acquisitor, meddler, carnivore, conniver, isopod, shoveler, wilier, promulgator, propagator, networker, whitetail, honey badger, divining rod, gumshoe, rara avis, hawk moth, grafter, gatherers, potter, purveyors, gardeners, hunters, magicians, interpreters, midwife, recruiter, searchers, artisan, artisans, bookkeeper, collectors, huntsmen, intermediary, physicians, raiser, artificers, precontact, ikung, inuit, pastoralist, paleoindian, nomadic, prehistoric, amerindian, matriarchal, preliterate, iroquoian, mesolithic, nomad, paleolithic, prehispanic, preindustrial, puebloan, algonquian, columbian, hohokam
More specific:
archivist, conductor, gleaner, rent collector
More general:
Also try:accumulator, collector
— Nouns for gatherer: ancestors, way, systems, life, existence, hunters, diet, hunter, groups, organization, tribe, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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