Words and phrases that have a meaning related to fig tree: (140 results)
Often used in the same context:
mulberry tree, breadfruit tree, vine, oak tree, tree, banyan tree, ficus, dogwood tree, persimmon tree, mango tree, shrub, flowering shrub, staghorn fern, bromeliad, loquat tree, catalpa, rosebush, camphor tree, cypress tree, pyracantha, crepe myrtle, banyan, trumpet vine, pecan tree, carob tree, ligustrum, chestnut tree, coconut palm, pine tree, bougainvillea, sapling, sycamore, willow tree, cedar tree, weeping willow, medlar, wax myrtle, podocarpus, myrtles, flowering quince, hollyhocks, pohutukawa, copper beech, blueberry bush, pistache, tulip tree, neem tree, jacaranda, yaupon, sago palm, dawn redwood, laurel oak, highbush cranberry, tamarind tree, grape arbor, ferns, linden tree, beech tree, grove, junipers, palm tree, cedars, willow oak, privet hedge, hemlock tree, walnut tree, clematis, deodar cedar, cypresses, buttonwood, giant sequoia, manzanita, juniper bush, brugmansia, camellia, bayberry, pachysandra, hackberry, acacia, blackberry bush, bridal wreath, strangler fig, chinaberry tree, skunk cabbage, crape myrtle, red osier dogwood, tree trunk, fronds, glads, poinciana, vegetable garden, grapevines, oleander, madrona, ixora, hibiscus, yews, sequoia sempervirens, agapanthus, cardoon, butternut tree, honeysuckles
More specific:
Also try:assam rubber, banian, banian tree, botany bay fig, bo tree, common fig, common fig tree, east indian fig tree, ficus aurea, ficus bengalensis, ficus carica, ficus deltoidea, ficus diversifolia, ficus elastica, ficus religiosa, ficus rubiginosa, ficus sycomorus, fig, florida strangler fig, golden fig, india-rubber fig, india-rubber plant, india-rubber tree, indian banyan, little-leaf fig, mistletoe fig, mistletoe rubber plant, mulberry fig, peepul, pipal, pipal tree, pipul, port jackson fig, rubber plant, rusty rig, sacred fig, sycamore fig, wild fig
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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