Words and phrases that have a meaning related to duplex: (140 results)
Often used in the same context:
townhouse, triplex, apartment, fourplex, bedroom, rooming house, house, rowhouse, condominium, condo, bungalow, brownstone, plex, carport, master bedroom, townhouses, residences, crackhouse, decker, weatherboard, motel, front porch, quadruplex, maisonette, garage, terraced house, dormer, subdivision, outbuilding, cul de sac, homeowner, loft, attic, parsonage, farmhouse, homes, dormer window, upstairs, porch, dwelling, mansion, livingroom, highrise, dorm, crawlspace, storey, camper trailer, washateria, strip mall, huisache, dormitory, renter, apts, penthouse, bedsit, dogtrot, firetrap, neighborhood, driveway, flats, cockloft, alley, mews, dryer, laundromat, rectory, warehouse, cottages, rambler, stucco, manse, waterleaf, rockrose, cabin, baseboard, stairwell, basement, downstairs, rumpus room, block, sunroom, clothes dryer, flue pipe, breezeway, mansard, gilberts, flophouse, shack, homesite, china cabinet, nightclothes, roommates, saltbox, gable roof, floor joist, lanais, trailer, french doors, hipped roof, brick, cottonade, boardinghouse, duplexes, flat, ellipse, graph, keyboard, deck, helix, parabola, ab, bathroom, bungalows, chalet, cone, cottage, connectionless, asynchronous, multipoint, broadband, bidirectional, ethernet, multiplexed, 232, wireless, isochronous, speed, bandwidth, multicast, topoint, highspeed, interoffice, stateful, synchronous, wired, encrypted
Also try:duplex apartment, duplex house, multiple, semidetached house
— Nouns for duplex: mode, operation, transmission, communication, line, channel, link, system, communications, ethernet, lines, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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