Words and phrases that have a meaning related to drafter: (125 results)
Often used in the same context:
drafting, draftsman, architect, draftsperson, framer, cartographer, theoretician, modeler, implementer, wording, expositor, opposer, redraft, litigator, engineer, interpretation, reviser, signer, backer, draughting, gouverneur morris, cryptographer, programmer, mechanical engineer, proponent, negotiator, codifier, modeller, articulator, copyeditor, arguer, lexicographer, debater, doodler, revision, upholder, codification, ideologue, speechwriter, typographer, rewrite, problem solver, abstractor, surveyor, intendment, logician, authoring, assembler, theorist, hamiltonian, fabricator, formulator, maintainer, shaper, estimator, argumentation, preamble, agitator, compromiser, signatory, artificer, animator, mangler, coder, punster, dissenter, bargainer, attainder, consultant, grammarian, woodworker, interior designer, syracusan, orator, wonk, builder, carpenter, violator, typist, rhetorician, metalsmith, lading, aerodynamicist, renovator, proofreader, maritain, jurisprudent, electrical engineer, rewording, ekistics, sophist, dabbler, structural steel, norlander, planner, patternmaker, statistician, initiator, cryptologist, counterexample, paperhanger, delbruck, drafters, draftsmen, underwriter, designer, designers, examiner, strategist, technician, analyst, developers, draughtsmen, examiners, facilitators, investigator, lobbyist, underwriters, administrator, advisors
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:jefferson, president jefferson, thomas jefferson
— Adjectives for drafter: principal, chief, legislative, primary, main, original, experienced, manual, legal, architectural, senior, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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