Words and phrases that have a meaning related to cornhusk: (121 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:lauhala, nubbly, oilcloth, strawflower, tuille, parfait glass, pea pod, cappelletti, pattypan squash, rag rug, pinecone, pancake turner, rickrack, reindeer moss, taro root, greaseproof, shoestring potatoes, hickory nut, embroidery hoop, hotdog bun, dishtowel, organdy, ziplock, bundt, butterbean, seedpod, ramie, stockinette, horseradish root, pomander, pimentos, cornichon, hush puppy, glads, hubbard squash, spaghetti squash, undyed, avocado pear, brads, sope, dogbane, cornucopias, gourds, pitahaya, accordion pleats, souffl, bouquet garni, serapes, unwaxed, shiitake mushroom, jujubes, unstuffed, mason jar, potsticker, chowchow, sweet potato vine, haricots verts, monkeypod, anise hyssop, tillandsia, fluffy omelet, gemelli, applesauce cake, hijiki, unbuttered, cotton flannel, maguey, sunbonnet, nori, beefsteak tomato, nutshells, excelsior, shortcakes, peppermint candy, zester, slivered, stonelike, farfel, shortbread cookie, kidskin, shagreen, pimientos, bedcover, sundried, cinnamon bark, dacron, chiffonade, rebozo, farfalle, bechamel sauce, candied apple, satin stitch, nubby, creeping charlie, castor sugar, daikon, fiberfill, thimbleberry, matelasse, honeydew melon, sauceboat, husk, twined, inflatable, crocheted, crumpled, feather, plaited, rattan, rawhide, rubberized, shuck, sisal, straw, stuffed, waxed, beaded, cellophane, cloth, crinkly, filter
— Nouns for cornhusk: dolls, doll, cigarette, mattress, cigarettes, mattresses, bags, mats, masks, work, bag, more...
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