Words and phrases that have a meaning related to chroming: (102 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:glue sniffing, oxyacetylene, removalist, reconditioning, granulating, paintless, fettling, huffer, straightener, lacquering, stencilling, blueing, bikie, tik, tooling, methylated spirits, oxy, mudguard, fitment, standover, sly grog, ute, demountable, thinners, hotrod, dissolver, carburettors, welding, tinting, solvents, sheet metal, electroplating, turps, monoxide, flashings, lpg, molding, jetter, enamelling, crazing, paintwork, addiction, cocain, retarder, inhalator, reclaimer, aerosol, desensitising, washup, atomisation, chlor, gearset, truckie, pulverizer, corrugation, copper sulphate, torana, alkyd, delaminate, rotoscope, meths, mouldable, peening, melter, machining, etcher, laminations, tinning, rattly, weldment, powder metallurgy, vulcanised, motorhead, skylarking, tarmacadam, cellulose nitrate, crankcases, undercoating, motor, crete, hot rod, wiper motor, junkers, tagger, bogan, glamorisation, carburetors, boronia, amphetamine sulphate, methylated spirit, steerers, taillight, truanting, muffler, swarf, foglamp, nitrous, boozing, lignocaine, flanging, roughening, corona discharge
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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